Contact Us

Your customer satisfaction is our No 1 priority, contact us to get the answers to your questions.

Because we're proud of our high standards of customer satisfaction and we like to look after our customers by answering all your questions and providing you with the levels of customer service and support you expect.  

For any queries, or because you may have questions about any of our items, we have experienced customer service representatives available to help you. You can reach us via phone, email, or fill out the contact form below.

So if you would like to know more about a specific product, its features, availability, or any other questions you might have, we're here to help.

Maybe you would like to make a request for a return, for instructions, please refer to our Returns & Exchange Policy.

Click here to read our Privacy Policy.

Our Friendly Support Team:

Our support team specializes in providing high-quality customer care. So we like nothing more than making sure that our customers always feel well looked after. Because customer care and satisfaction will always be our No 1 priority. 

So don't hesitate to contact us anytime! Because we love to hear from everyone! Usually, we will reply back to you within 24 hours. We're happy to help by providing the customer satisfaction you want.

Your Order:

Sometimes orders can get held up and delayed in transit and we understand how annoying and frustrating this can be! Delays can and do happen for a number of different reasons. So if you're not sure about the delivery of your purchased item, contact us and we'll look into it. Please be patient!

Hours of business: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Email Us here:

Or fill out the form below to contact us via email!